Dafydd Edwards, Powys Pensions Fund
Dafydd Edwards
Board Chair
Powys Pensions Fund

Dafydd is Board Chair for Powys Pension Fund, covering the mid-Wales region, and a company NED for Adra, as well as being part-time Treasurer and Pension Board Chair at North Wales Fire Authority.

Until retiring in 2023, he had been Statutory Finance Officer at both Gwynedd Council and Snowdonia National Park for 20 years. In addition to the usual Finance Director duties, he had responsibility for the £3bn Gwynedd Pension Fund covering the north-west Wales region, and chaired the officer group which forged the Wales Pension Partnership (WPP) LGPS pool

My Sessions
Birds of a feather discussion session led by asset manager and LGPS moderators on the hot topics.
Round table discussions