Chris Rule, Local Pensions Partnership Investments
Chris Rule
Local Pensions Partnership Investments

Chris joined the LPP Group in 2016 as Managing Director and Chief Investment Officer of Local Pensions Partnership Investments (LPPI). He was appointed Chief Executive of LPPI and LPP Group in 2019 and is responsible for direct leadership of the LPPI business as well as providing oversight of LPPA, LPP’s pension administration subsidiary.

Beginning his career as an investment risk manager, Chris is a chartered alternative investment analyst and has more than 20 years’ experience in managing a variety of investment portfolios and businesses as both a direct investor and as an allocator of capital.

Chris holds a number of non-executive roles including positions within the renewables and project finance sectors, the Transition Pathway Initiative and the Church of England Pensions Board Investment Committee.  He also sits on the GLIL Infrastructure LLP Supervisory Board and Investment Committee.

My Sessions
Pension consolidation: fit for the future
Panel discussion